Gift Certificates Are Available For Purchase Over The Phone, Learn More On FAQ Page
We are located in The Spring Hill Business Park on Highway 31 near Chick-fil-A and Wendy's. **Please note that GPS will often route clients to the Shops of Campbell Station on Spedale Court, we are located in front of this shopping plaza.
Same day appointments may be scheduled by calling our office, however, we do not accept walk-in clients.
A common misunderstanding is that we only offer Reflexology treatments for the hands and feet. However, our focus is on restoring health and balance to the entire body with a wide variety of full body massage services, Spa treatments, as well as Reflexology.
Therapeutic Hands Massage is a therapist run studio, meaning that every person you speak with in our office is a Licensed Massage Therapist. We are dedicated to providing you with the most accurate and reliable information regarding our profession and are able to answer any questions you may have, therefore, we do have a receptionist to assist with scheduling while we are in session with a client. We encourage you to leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
When you schedule an appointment with one of our therapists we are reserving a specific block of time for you and your well-being. When a client fails to show or makes a last minute cancellation you are taking the opportunity away from another client to benefit from our services. We do understand that emergencies can happen and you may be unable to make your appointment, please contact our office to inform us prior to your scheduled massage. All scheduled appointments that are considered a No Call/No Show or last minute cancellation will be charged 50% of the service price for the missed appointment regardless of when it was booked. A valid credit/debit card is required to be on file in our computer system at time of booking to reserve your appointment, any invalid credit card information or declined payment may result in further billing action.
Absolutely. A majority of our clients understand that we are strictly a therapist run studio, and while we strive to assist everyone, there are times that we are unavailable to help. Purchasing a gift card over the phone is very simple and efficient. We gather the necessary information to personalize the gift certificate and take your payment over the phone. We then email a personalized gift certificate letter for you to give to the recipient. This letter does not serve as a valid gift card and has no cash value so there's no need to worry if they accidentally delete or misplace the letter. The valid gift certificate is kept on file in our office for the client to redeem at the time of their appointment.
All gift certificates are to be treated the same as cash. Therapeutic Hands Massage is not responsible for lost or stolen gift certificates and they cannot be replaced or refunded for any reason. Please see our full Gift Certificate Policy on the HOME page for further information.